Rapper Tupac shakur finally receiving hollywood walk of fame after death
Rapper Tupac shakur was a famous singer,rapper, poet and activist. The late rap icon Tupac will be honoured with a star on the Hollywood walk of fame next week ,the organisation announced Wednesday .The sister of Tupac Shakur Sekyiwa “SET” will receive the star on behalf of his brother on 7th of june. Lets have a look at the news in detail:

The late rapper is an inspiration for many artists like kendrick lamar, eminem J, Cole, ed sheeran ,darke, justin bieber and many others.he will get a well-deserved place on the hollywood walk of fame .he was an influencer and revolutionary ,he is one who joining the rank of 2700 stars embellished the reputable walkway.
The producer of Hollywood walk of fame ,Ana Martinez mentioned that the rapper was an actor and activist. The rapper is firmly gonna be a cultural icon for centuries.
The actor was born in New York city and raised in California ,he played a vital role in the west coast hip-hop scene . He influenced many artists .The rapper released many albums in 1991 .At the age of 25 the rapper became a victim of conflict between east and west rappers.
If you want to watch the ceremony of late rapper`s honouring with hollywood walk of fame the watch it there,
The California love rapper was a global icon who has sold 75 million records worldwide .he was known for his impactful hip-hop genre .he was known for the writings for justice of rights of black americans .he wrote many rapes for their rights. The most famous of his album is “All eyez on me” and “greatest hits” that are diamond certified .
Rapper Tupac shakur Song All eyez on me
Greatest hits
Here you can find the the greatest hit of rapper: https://www.discogs.com/release/960025-2Pac-Greatest-Hits
Documentary of tupac
Many documentaries have been made on Tupac Shakur .a documentary “dear mama” has been made for him.
If you want to know about the tupac shakur’s life and tragedies then read it .if you are fan of tupac then you will be happy to know that he is honoured with hollywood walk of fame .
Read more about reacent death of hollywood actor: https://actingexcellent.com/actor-ray-stevenson-from-movie-rrr-passed-away/