Kabli Pulao OST Lyrics
If you are searching for the Kabli Pulao OST lyrics then you are at your best place in this regard. Here you will get the lyrics and listen to the music too. Stay tuned:
The story of this drama stuck around Barbeena, who is an innocent girl and married to an old man at the age of 51. Barbeena is the reflection of true Pathan women. Barbeena is the reflection of true Pathan women. Â Nadia Afgan plays the lead role as a barbeen and she is truly phenomenal,, each dialogue and every expression are so well measured and amazing the way she emotes most of it from her eyes only is just unbelievable.Â
Shamim is a true example of selfless love. This is a hit drama by Green TV Entertainment. Let’s see if they both fall in love or get divorced.Â
Kabli Pulao OST Video
Here is the OST video of the Pakistani drama OST Kabli Pulao. Hope you like it, for lyrics check below:
Kabli Pulao OST Lyrics
Here are the lyrics you want to sing, best of luck!
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